The end of the Era of the Walk-Talkers
Behold, my pretties, the beginning of the end of the Era of the Walk-Talkers. You know who I mean - the criminal bedwetters who believe that greed is a virtue and fear is a "productive emotion." Walk-Talkers insist that those pesky constituents can’t possibly understand the intricacies of governance and articulate their own needs better than those firmly entrenched within the Beltway. Inveterate lie-spinners, they presume that election (preferably their own) equals life tenure. Walk-Talkers are men and women who beat their sunken chests (or artificially inflated ones - yes, you know who I’m talking about) and spew martial codswallop and hyper-moralistic invective, sending soldiers off to die in battle in order to leech their courage. You know these people - they talk the talk, but when it comes to the walking part, they have "other priorities."
The Republicans’ favorite Democrat Joe Lieberman’s loss (because let’s face it, Joe - you lost, failed, did not win, struck out, came in second, coughed up the ball, blew it, tanked, whiffed, got pwn3d) and his arrogant, disdainful dismissal of the will of the people of Connecticut represents, in this closet optimist’s opinion, the impending downfall of the Walk-Talkers. P.T. Barnum and Copernicus were both right, Joe. Contemplate that for a second.
To quote the Rude One:
Lieberman lost because he was wrong, on the war, on indecency, on torture, on Social Security, and more, more, more. He lost not because he said he was right, but because he tried to say that wrong was right.
Lieberman lost like so many others will, mostly Republican, because they hitched their wagons to George Bush’s star and that fucker went supernova.
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