Thursday, September 21, 2006

Repetition makes the message stronger

Swopa at FDL has some suggestions on how to counteract BushCo's noise-machine in this election campaign -- it's by using their tactics:
every time the Fear President opens his mouth, he makes clear to even his strongest supporters the least attentive listener that his top priority is protecting the American people, and it’s the core reason behind just about everything he does. If Dubya can use this tactic in the service of lies and moral cowardice, Democrats can certainly use it in the service of truth and conscience. Our side doesn’t often trumpet its concern about defending America, perhaps because it seems like belaboring the obvious — who doesn’t care about protecting our country? But when your target audience is one that isn’t paying close attention, sometimes belaboring the obvious is exactly what’s required.

So, if all Democrats are going to get on TV or in newspapers is a one-line soundbite on each issue (if they’re lucky), they’d better make sure those soundbites advertise their priorities and reinforce each other, like this:

Iraq? "There’s a better way to defend this country than having 1,000 Americans a year die in Iraq."

– Torture? "There’s a better way to defend this country than becoming the first nation in the world to quit the Geneva Conventions."

Warrantless NSA spying? "There’s a better way to defend this country than to gut the Constitution."

Iran? "There’s a better way to defend this country than to dive into another war without knowing what happens the day after the bombs fall."

This way, we not only get our objections across, we communicate to all those distracted "security moms" and NASCAR families that Democrats really do give a crap about whether we get blown up or not, contrary to what Dick Cheney and Karl Rove would have them believe.

If someone is interested enough ask what our "better way" is, particularly with regard to torture and NSA spying, an added soundbite I would throw in is that the best way to defend America is to be America. The other day at Needlenose, I quoted Ron Suskind on the real front line against terrorism, which is ordinary citizens in obscure locations around the world who might get wind of a plot against the U.S. — if those random citizens react by thinking, "F—ing Americans, they deserve it" instead of "That’s terrible, I should tell the police," America is less safe. When our country is an example of freedom and tolerance across the world — the kind of nation that drew the world’s sympathy after September 11th — America is safer.

There’s plenty more left to be said on this topic. But the gist of it is, for the past five years Republicans have shown us their way of trying to protect America — based on hysterical threats, ignoring facts, and reckless actions — for which we’re now paying a huge price. We’ve seen the results of their way. Democrats think there’s a better way, based on an honest assessment of danger, telling the truth to the American people about it, and living up to our fundamental values as we do what has to be done. [emphasis, mine. -- bill]

Which way would you vote for?


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