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I'm off to a blues performance but I wanted to share these pointers to some gems that I found before I go...
Glenn Greenwald, who hesitates to use the work "liar", proves, once again, the Sen. Arlen Specter is a liar regarding his Bail Out Bush "Everything-that-was-illegal-is-now-legal" Bill.
Billmon makes a funny about the terrible and sad reality of signature wound and points out that Pope Benedict XVI, like GWB, is "Objectively Pro-Bin Laden".
Digby has this to say about the administration with the Anus Touch.
Glenn Greenwald, who hesitates to use the work "liar", proves, once again, the Sen. Arlen Specter is a liar regarding his Bail Out Bush "Everything-that-was-illegal-is-now-legal" Bill.
Billmon makes a funny about the terrible and sad reality of signature wound and points out that Pope Benedict XVI, like GWB, is "Objectively Pro-Bin Laden".
Digby has this to say about the administration with the Anus Touch.
The Republicans are telling us that they should be re-elected because the Democrats aren't serious about national security and only they can be trusted to keep the terrorists from killing us in our beds.
But the way the administration went about creating the CPA illustrates everything you need to know about the childlike sciolism of these so-called grown-ups. They insisted on invading a well contained country of 25 million people, ripped its society to shreds, and then put a bunch of low level cronies and inexperienced schoolkids in charge of creating a Club for Growth wet dream in the desert. And they spent billions and billions of dollars failing to do anything but lay the groundwork for civil war. I don't know if it's possible to screw up on a grander scale than that.
Here's the question for the American people. Let's, for the sake of argument, say that you don't like Democrats. You have the vague feeling in the pit of your stomach that they just don't have the cojones to do "what needs to be done." You can't get over the feeling that they aren't serious enough.
But if you are a thoughtful person of any political persuasion who is concerned about national security or the economy, you simply cannot read that story above and have even the slightest faith that such people can be trusted to continue to run the government with no oversight.
The question is not whether the Democrats have a better plan to correct these grievous errors or whether they are hard enough to deal with hard issues. The question is how anyone could think Democrats could possibly be worse than an administration that ordered the US government to eschew all expertise and give billions of taxpayer dollars to inexperienced Republican functionaries to rebuild a foreign country from the ground up? Considering the stakes in all this, I don't see how anyone can think it's a good idea to let these people continue unchecked. They screw up everything they touch and they never, ever, learn from their mistakes.
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