Friday, September 15, 2006

Coming to a theatre of war near you

It just defies reason. It would appear that the only thing that BushCo learned from the fiasco in Iraq is... that it works. They really can lie the country into war... and get away with it. As Glenn Greenwald puts it:
We really are now a country run by people who, in order to justify more wars against countries which have not attacked us, will simply invent wholesale fiction about the countries they want to attack, and then smear as a Terrorist-ally anyone or anything (such as the IAEA) which points out that the claims are false. The debacle in Iraq has not deterred them in the slightest. Deceiving this country into new wars is now just standard operating procedure for them.
CNN tells us that the IAEA, the people who got it right about Iraq, "[t]he U.N. nuclear watchdog agency has written a scathing letter to a congressional committee saying part of its case against Iran is "outrageous and dishonest"." History repeating itself.

However, I'm not convinced of what the real story is here i.e. whether it was 1) a matter of lying to get support to start the invasion of Iraq and the plan (such as it was) really was to get in quickly, topple Saddam, be greeted as liberators, exit quickly leaving a friendly regime in power (Chalabi), mix & stir, wait 30 minutes, allow to rise and *presto* democracy spreads and flourishes in the Middle East or 2) a matter of lying to get support to start the invasion of Iraq and the plan was to stir up a hornet's nest in the region such that American troops would have to stay indefinitely i.e. the PNAC agenda which I've alluded to before.

I lean towards the latter scenario (the "evil" one, rather than the "incompetent" one) even though the pathological aversion to leaving Iraq is consistent with both; can't leave 1) because they'd have to admit they failed 2) because their goal was to stay. Though it could also be the case that not all of the cabal that is BushCo had the same idea (I can't bring myself to say "plan" with this crew) i.e. Cowboy Codpiece may be "over there" avenging the wronging of Daddy while Cheney and the neocons are "PNAC'ing".

In any case, if things don't change significantly, the somnolent public, the rubber-stamp Congress and the feckless media will let BushCo do it again in Iran -- the flight forward, as Billmon called it.


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