Tuesday, August 08, 2006

L. v L. night

So I checked in to see what the latest was in the Lamont v Lieberman primary and immediately I'm side-tracked by the "hacked web site" accusation by Camp Lieberman. That's bad enough but the media seem to be reporting these accusations as news -- but without any fact-checking of any kind.

There is still no reported evidence to link the Lamont campaign to this nor any reporting of the fact that the Lamont people have issued a statement condemning the hacking (if it was hacking) and have offered technical including assistance including hosting the web site. No mention of the fact that the Lieberman campaign has not even responded to the offer of help nor that the Lamont web site has linked to the Google cache version of the Lieberman site as a stop-gap help.

You couldn't blame a guy for thinking that maybe the Lieberman folks are milking this sympathy and to set up an excuse, could you?

On a related point, I've noticed that many supporters of Ned Lamont are writing some careful "whether we win or lose" kinds of posts. I'm not sure whether it's superstitious (don't jinx it), pessimistic (trying to spin inevitable defeat) or just realistic ('cause ya' never know) but it's been wonderful to see someone held accountable for his record -- to see voters being engaged and walking away from a bad relationship and towards a better alternative. If only more people would do that... *sigh*


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