Friday, July 07, 2006

Foreign concept, foreign policy

Kevin Drum on BushCo's foreign policy vacuum.

But that's really just a single piece of a broader, and even more remarkable turn of events: the Bush administration literally seems to have no foreign policy at all anymore. They have no serious plan for Iraq, no plan for Iran, no plan for North Korea, no plan for democracy promotion, no plan for anything. With the neocons on the outs, Condoleezza Rice at the State Department, and Dick Cheney continuing to drift into an alternate universe at the OVP, the Bush administration seems completely at sea. There's virtually no ideological coherency to their foreign policy that I can discern, and no credible followup on what little coherency is left.

As near as I can tell, George Bush has learned that "There's evil in the world and we're going to stand up to it" isn't really adequate as a foreign policy for a superpower but is unable to figure out anything better to replace it with. So he spins his wheels, waiting for 2009. Unfortunately, the rest of us are left spinning with him.


Blogger Nelson said...

That's so true. I have been following each case (North Korea, Iran), but if you pull back and look at the big picture, there really is no foreign policy.

That's a quick, simple message Democrats can use leading up to November--but will they?

1:55 PM  

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