Tuesday, July 04, 2006

Can rats weave tangled webs?

Christy at FDL follows up on the White House finger pointing which was revealed in the latest Murray Waas' article regarding the Plame outing. It would just be too delicious if it comes down to a Bush v. Cheney final, wouldn't it?

There’s a whole lot of throwing under the bus going on in the finger-pointing mess of ass-covering mendacity, isn’t there? George Bush points the finger at Cheney — I told him to get the word out, but I didn’t mean for him to have anyone betray a CIA agent. Irving is protecting Cheney’s flank…all the while Cheney and Addington are protecting Cheney’s flank. Which leaves Irving where, exactly? All the monetary donations to his legal trust fund in the world can’t disguise the fact that Scooter was hung out to be the bait if they got caught…and his loyalty to the boss would be the firewall. How does it feel to be the scapegoat, Scooter? You gonna bet the farm — and your family — on these clowns?

And Rover? When push came to shove, he testified on five separate occasions — that we know about — and his loyalty is to himself and to Bushie. Which begs the question, if the President pointed the finger squarely at Dick Cheney, dumping any responsibility and accountability into his lap, how likely is it that Rover did the same thing? And truly, if Mr. Dirty Tricks himself is working on the backdoor double cross, how much behind the scenes machinations do we not know about at this point — and how comfortable are you right now if you are Dick Cheney?

Oh, what a tangled web we weave…I’m just glad Murray’s still working his sources on this, because I have this nagging feeling that a whole lot more is about to spill out any second.


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