Sunday, January 22, 2006

More Howell howling

Kevin Drum adds his two cents worth on the Deborah Howell mess (see: this, this, and this) but adds an interesting postscript too. When you're wrong, apologizing is the first step, then comes correcting the record. It seems that they're a little light on the first step and it would appear that they haven't taken the second one yet...


In fact, if Howell had posted a simple correction to her column on Monday saying that she had made a mistake and Jack Abramoff donated money only to Republicans --— and left it at that instead of straining to justify her original error -- none of this would have happened. The messenger may have been rude and crude in this case, but the messenger was also right.

POSTSCRIPT: By the way, why is it that Howell's original column still doesn't a correction appended? Nobody reading it either at the Post site or via Nexis would have any idea that she had made a mistake.

Brad DeLong weighs in again saying:

"I can't resist one more snapshot from the Washington Post clown show."


But Brady's and Howell's conclusion is not the conclusion that anyone but a right-wing loony would get from Susan Schmidt's article, is it? Susan Schmidt thinks Abramoff was directing his clients to give less money to Democrats than they had in the past--"loosen their traditional ties to the Democratic Party"--and more to Republicans, doesn't she?

Remember: As even right-wing ex-Pioneer Press editor and current Washington Post ombudsman Deborah Howell [finally -bill] admits: the Abramoff scandal is not a bipartisan scandal, but a Republican scandal.


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