Sunday, January 22, 2006

Li'l Debbie Still Doesn't Get It

Jane at FDL "got an invitation this morning from the to go to DC on Tuesday to discuss "a live online roundtable conversation on the issue of what the rules are/should be for major media in accepting free form comments, or indeed whether there should be rules at all." so perhaps WaPo is starting to "get it" (i.e. to learn from its mistakes) but Ms. Howell, alas, sure doesn't appear see the light yet. Look at these two examples. First she clings to the old falsehood:

I wrote that he gave campaign money to both parties and their members of Congress. He didn't. I should have said he directed his client Indian tribes to make campaign contributions to members of Congress from both parties.

To which Jane responds:

No. What you should have said was that although Abramoff's victims, the Indian tribes, gave money to Democrats it was much less than they did before Abramoff appeared on the scene and there is no indication that there was anything quid-pro-quo about it. Unlike the Republicans, who are up to their eyeballs in shit over this. To say anything else provides improper context and implies that legitimate contributions and illegal influence peddling are one, which they most certainly are not.
But Ms. Howell doesn't quit there, having learned nothing from my advice, she appears to try a bit of in-your-face but instead she falls flat on hers and calls even more attention to herself when she goes on to say:

To all of those who wanted me fired, I'm afraid you're out of luck. I have a contract. For the next two years, I will continue to speak my mind.

Poor woman, she seems to forget that she's not writing opinion pieces. She's not being paid to speak her mind. She the ombudsman! She's supposed to be looking out for the readers -- she's supposed to be our champion when dealing with the paper, not spouting RNC talking points and then plugging her ears when her readers complain to the ombudsman. Egad!


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