Wednesday, October 18, 2006

What you catch when you drag the sewers of Right Blogistan

The incomparable Glenn Greenwald reads "scads of right-wing bloggers" so that we don't have to. He wasn't going to comment
...but then I became exposed to this disgustingly pious concern being paraded about by all sorts of right-wing pundits over dragging sexual innuendo into the public arena and subjecting political officials to unpleasant personal attacks that would drive good people from office, and how can anyone let that raging, violent hypocrisy just go uncommented upon? Their entire political movement over the last 20 years has been fueled by sleazy sexual innuendo; dragging private sexual behavior into the public arena for fun, profit and political gain; and exploiting the gay issue to drive people to vote for them.


That Bush followers are drowning in the most transparent and rancid hypocrisy is hardly news. But what incidents like this demonstrate is just how detached so many of them are from the rational realm and just from basic reality. Listening to Bush followers decry the political use of homosexuality and private sexual behavior would be like listening to a Bush follower say something like this:
Hi, I'm a fervent supporter of George Bush, and I vehemently object to preemptive wars, tax cuts for the wealthy, deficit spending, and the use of terrorism to justify expansive government power. Those things are immoral and reprehensible and the Democrats' use of those things is destroying our country.
If a person said something like that, they would widely be deemed to be crazy, but that sentiment is indistinguishable from the righteous outrage pouring forth over the "left's" exploitation of sexual behavior for political gain and the destructive invasion into the private sexual lives of political figures. How can any adherent to the Bush-led Republican party possibly protest tactics of that sort with a straight face? It is truly inconceivable.

The Limbaugh-led right wing of the Republican Party pioneered the repugnant tactic of winning elections by claiming the virtues of sexual morality and depicting their political opponents as sexually depraved. The GOP depends upon, courts and embraces support from the likes of James Dobson, Gary Bauer, and Cliff Kinkaid who care about little other than private sexual morality and the immorality of the homosexual. Just yesterday, Newt Gingrich argued that "Republicans are right to favor traditional American conservative social values, and the left is completely wrong to put San Francisco left-wing values third in line to be President,"and Tim Graham said in The Corner that Democrats should lose because liberals have a "sexually omnivorous agenda."
I love Glenn's ability to convey righteous indignation so articulately.

Apropos my last to post, I want to share something I found while googling for poll numbers for PA.
Santorum is simply crushing his Satanist opponent, Bobby Casey, in the polls. This election is in the bag, folks!

Certain liberal polls, such as those from Zogby, Pew, and Quinnipiac, have Casey in the lead. However, I am sure you have learned by now you simply cannot trust anyone but us, and possibly Fox News, for your political and spiritual information.
It would seem that Herman and I disagree.


It seems that I have allowed myself to be Colbert'ed :-)

Anonymous points out in comments that this blog "a satirical site" and had I taken the time to read it more extensively, I would probably come to the same conclusion. Like a good liberal, s/he tries to soften the blow by adding "...but it is hard to tell these days".

True, but mea culpa, nonetheless.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sir, your last link is to a satirical site...but it is hard to tell these days.

8:28 AM  

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