Thursday, September 28, 2006


The House voted for GWB's torture bill... I'm not surprised, but I'm saddened and sickened. On GWB's say-so, anyone can be declared an unlawful enemy combatant, kidnapped, imprisoned, tortured... forever, with no right to a charge, evidence, trial or review. Disgraceful! Appalling!!!

The House approved an administration-backed system of questioning and prosecuting terrorism suspects yesterday, setting clearer limits on CIA interrogation techniques but denying access to courts for detainees seeking to challenge their imprisonment at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, and elsewhere.

The 253 to 168 vote was a victory for President Bush and fellow Republicans. Bush had yielded some ground during weeks of negotiations, but he fully embraced the language that the House approved with support from 34 Democrats and all but seven Republicans.


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