Sunday, June 18, 2006

Bush visits Iraq - redux

Like the makers of crappy movies, Bush's Brain keeps going to the same well for the same pail of water. Another surprise visit to Baghdad. Obviously a publicity stunt but I want to make two observations: if Iraq is really an independent country with its elections, constitution and government and all, how can a foreign leader fly into this independent country without the knowledge and permission of the government? FYI, this is a rhetorical question, the "answer" is that it's not an independent country but, rather, an occupied country and the leader of the occupying force "don't need to ask nobody to visit one of his cribs". The second point is the illustration of the cognitive dissonance required to entertain these two realities simultaneously: the claims that Iraq is safe -- "we're making real progress" and the fact the POTUS has to sneak in (even into the Green Zone) because it's too dangerous to do otherwise.

I'm just thinking...


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