Sunday, March 12, 2006

Don't turn your backs on these people

Have you ever noticed how people will defend their intentions when criticized about the results of their behaviour? e.g. but I didn't mean to do that. As a young man, I learned that if you hurt someone unintentionally, that person was still hurt, whether you intended to or not. I'm hearing that same tone in comments about a bill being proposed by that spineless group of Senators who refused to investigate the President who admitted to breaking the law with the warrantless NSA eavesdropping.
But an aide to the bill's chief author, Sen. Mike DeWine, R-Ohio, said that is not the intention of the legislation.
There is a good article in Editor & Publisher based on a copy of the draft of the legislation.

"The bill would make it a crime to tell the American people that the president is breaking the law, and the bill could make it a crime for the newspapers to publish that fact," said Martin, a civil liberties advocate.
So here we have the Republicans defending the breaking the law (the Plame outing & the NSA scandal, to name two) and, on top of that, now they want to make it a crime to expose and report on the wrong-doing! What balls! But what do you expect from a group that gets the victim of a shooting to apologize the the shooter.


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