Tuesday, February 14, 2006

Laziness Doesn't Begin To Explain It.

Tristero, guest-blogging at Digby's, takes Kevin Drum to task for a lazy post. The explanation for why people who spoke out against the war in Iraq were under-represented in the MSM is not laziness. It's another word that begins with 'L'.

Dear Kevin, You're wrong. I was there. I remember.

Laziness doesn't explain why George Stephanopoulos failed to mention on the proceeding Sunday show in February that millions of people in the United States marched the day before to oppose Bush's insane plans for war. Oh he mentioned Europe but not a word about the US marches. That's right, Kevin: Stephanopoulus failed to mention what was almost certainly the largest US demonstration in history the day after it happened. That wasn't laziness. And it's not laziness that the February and March '03 marches been all but eliminated from the official memories of 2002/2003.


We were lied to and laziness doesn't explain that. [...] The press lied to the American people.

That is the truth. Oh yes, the press was, and is lazy. [...] But that was hardly what uniquely characterized 2002/2003. What happened was that the press became an active collaborator in the single worst decision ever made by a United States president. Ever.


Laziness excluded anti-war voices on Sunday shows? After what we've all seen of the Bush/Cheney obsession with information control? Laziness? Please, Kevin. You're smarter than that.


Laziness. Yeah, right.


As for blaming Democrats for being boring, that is NOT what happened. That is NOT what makes the run up to war one of American journalism's most shameful period. What happened, what is still happening, is that voices that were right about Iraq in 2002 are still systematically excluded. They were/are not excluded because they are boring, but because they are unwanted. There's a difference.


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